International Finance

  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 29-06-2011, 16:37

Currency crisis

Currency crises are among the most dramatic events in global financial markets.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 29-06-2011, 15:38

Currency competition

Traditionally, currency competition refers to competition between privately issued monies or between privately issued and government-issued monies for use as means of payments.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 23-06-2011, 11:02

Currency board arrangement (CBA)

A currency board is a monetary arrangement based on two simple rules.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 22-06-2011, 07:40


Convertibility refers to the ability of a currency to be freely transformed into foreign exchange.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 21-06-2011, 08:51


In economics, contagion refers to the spread of a crisis from one country to others.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 21-06-2011, 08:37

Conflicted virtue

In the world’s monetary system, only a few major currencies mainly the U.S. dollar and the euro dominate as units of account for the internationally liquid assets or debts of developing countries or emerging markets.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 19-05-2011, 07:15

Common currency

In the modern world economy, a common currency shared by a number of countries has been a rare phenomenon.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 19-05-2011, 05:51

Commodity-price pegging

Pegging the price of a broadly defined commodity basket would be an almost perfect means to achieve price stability.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 11-05-2011, 07:58

Carry trade

The term carry trade, or currency carry trade, refers to trades in which funds are borrowed in a relatively low-yielding currency to invest in a higher-yielding currency.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 11-05-2011, 07:31

Capital mobility

Capital mobility refers to the ease with which financial flows can occur across national borders. High capital mobility implies that funds are transferred relatively seamlessly from one country to another.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 11-05-2011, 07:02

Capital flows to developing countries

Since the 1970s, business cycles in many developing countries have been characterized by fluctuations in international capital flows.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 8-05-2011, 14:38

Capital flight

Today’s world economy is characterized by large movements of capital across countries and regions.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 8-05-2011, 14:21

Capital controls

Capital controls are public policies that aim to curb or redirect flows of financial assets (e.g., bonds, loans, stocks, and foreign direct investments) across international borders, through taxes or various types of quantity restrictions.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 8-05-2011, 13:47


Bubbles are situations in which asset prices persistently deviate from their fundamental values that is, the prices warranted by the true earning potential of firms.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 8-05-2011, 13:41

Bretton Woods system

The Bretton Woods agreements negotiated at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire...
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 5-05-2011, 08:55

Bonn Summit

During the Bretton Woods era (1944 72), the proportion of dollars in world reserves rose steadily.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 5-05-2011, 08:50

Black market premium

Black market premium refers to the amount in excess of the official exchange rate that must be paid to purchase foreign exchange on an illegal ("black") market.
  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 3-05-2011, 14:57

Beggar-thy-neighbor policies

Beggar-thy-neighbor policies are those that seek to increase domestic economic welfare at the expense of other countries’ welfare.
  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 3-05-2011, 14:41

Banking crisis

In modern economies, banks play an important role in mediating between borrowers and lenders. Lenders, which are usually households...
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 3-05-2011, 14:31

Bank of Japan

The Bank of Japan was established in 1882, under the direction of the Ministry of Finance, to be the sole issuer of convertible notes in Japan.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 3-05-2011, 14:23

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was established in 1929, when representatives of the World War I reparations conference set up a committee of experts to provide a definitive financial framework for German war reparations.
  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 28-04-2011, 13:44

Band, basket, and crawl (BBC)

BBC (basket, band, and crawl) constitute the three pillars of an intermediate exchange-rate regime.
  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 28-04-2011, 13:30

Balassa-Samuelson effect

It has become conventional wisdom in economics that richer countries tend to have higher overall costs of living than poorer countries.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 28-04-2011, 12:09

Balance sheet approach / effects

National authorities, market analysts, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) traditionally have assessed the financial health of a country on the basis of flow variables...
  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 20-04-2011, 09:24

Balance of payments

A balance of payments is an international accounting record.
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 20-04-2011, 09:04


Bailouts broadly refer to large loans from the official sector usually the International Monetary Fund (IMF)...
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  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 20-04-2011, 08:30


Abail-in is an agreement by creditors to roll over their short-term claims or to engage in a formal debt restructuring with a troubled country.
  • Просмотров: 0
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 20-04-2011, 08:20

Asymmetric information

An asymmetric information problem exists in a market if it is costly for some parties to observe the characteristics or behavior of other parties, and an inefficient outcome results.
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