International remittances, the sums of money and goods that immigrants send home, have recently captured the attention of bankers, economists. . .
International remittances, the sums of money and goods that immigrants send home, have recently captured the attention of bankers, economists. . .
Regionalism: Economic Analysis
Motivated by ongoing discussions concerning optimal trade arrangements in the postwar period. . .
Enshrined in Article I of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO’s) General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT). . .
Regional development banks: Stepping Up to the Future
TheRDBs, likemost multilateral development banks, are confrontedwith multifaceted challenges from a changing environment and the evolving financing needs of their members. . .
Regional development banks: Lending for Development
The RDBs’ mandate has evolved over time, as has the rationale for development finance.
Regional development banks
Regional development banks (RDBs) play a critical role in the international financial architecture.
Real exchange rate: Measuring the Real Exchange Rate
Empirical work on real exchange rates involves many judgments about how to construct real exchange rate measures.
Real exchange rate: Empirical Challenges
Despite much work, little is known about the empirical determinants of real exchange rates.
Real exchange rate: Theoretical Approaches
Most theoretical approaches to understanding real exchange rates focus on the price of goods.
The real exchange rate, a linchpin of international economics, tells us about the overall costs in one country compared with another.